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The beginner forex trader should check the news articles that the broker has posted before beginning a new trading session. Profiting from Forex news could be one strategy the beginner forex trader could profit from. The news could be informative and this may affect the trader's choice to which currency pairs and the positions to take for the trading session. Profiting from Forex trading via the Internet has resulted in a great deal of interest by small traders previously locked out of this enormous marketplace. The FOREX market is less regulated than other financial markets. There is always risk in speculation, in any traded financial instrument whether they are regulated or unregulated.
foreign exchange risk
Yes, but as a position trader I never use tight stops. Same goes for trailing stops. All very far away from the market not to be taken out by meaningless market noises. Initial stop is always 1% of my total equity, and never commit the whole position at a go but always scale in and scale out.
You can avoid your problem in most cases by leaving the market always by trailing stops, i.e., do not set the profit target. So, any winning trade must be held as long as market does not tell you to leave by hitting your trailing stops. When you enter the market by market signals and leave by stops or trailing stops, it solves the most difficult part of decision making process rather easier for traders.
One of the silly rules of thumb in USD/JPY trading is it rarely moves 700-800 pips in a row without 200 pips or more correction in the middle and it almost always retraces back to 350 pips advance point from the start of its 700-800 pips move. All because of liquidity problem in Yen market.
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The FX interbank market is a global network of the world�s banks with no centralized location for trading. Much of the business is conducted over the-phone or electronically bank-to-bank. The FX market is a 24-hour-per-day market during the FX business week. The day starts in Asia, extends over to Europe and then into the U.S. daytime trading hours. Currencies are traded around the world, around the clock, from Monday morning (Sunday afternoon Chicago/New York time) in New Zealand/Asia to the close of the business week on Friday afternoon in Chicago/New York.
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Presently Forex market is a global telecommunication network of banks and different financial organizations. It does not have any fixed trading place and time restrictions - the trade starts on Monday morning in New Zealand and closes on Friday evening in USA
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Forex Trading StoriesGold glitters again - sets new recordMon, 17 Mar 2008 09:40:01 EDT
Gold futures soared to a fresh all-time trading high above $1,000 an ounce Friday as the dollar sunk to new lows.

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